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My Story: From the Kitchen to the Canals

Welcome to my world, where nature meets the urban landscape, where artistry blends with ecology. I am Jasper Riehm, but you might know me as "That Weird Plant Guy" – a title I wear with pride.

The Culinary Chapter

Born and raised in the bustling heart of New York City, I discovered my first love: cooking. The vibrant, diverse culinary landscape of NYC shaped me. I honed my skills in renowned Michelin-starred kitchens, mastering the art of transforming simple ingredients into exquisite culinary experiences.

But as I journeyed through the world of haute cuisine, I realized something was missing. Amid the clatter of pots and pans, I yearned for a deeper connection – not just with the food I prepared but with the very essence of where it came from.

Growth Beyond the Garden

This realisation led me to a new passion: gardening. With hands in soil, I found a profound connection to the earth, an understanding of the delicate balance between what we take and what we give back.

My move to Amsterdam opened new horizons. Here, I discovered a city passionately striving towards sustainability, a place where the line between urban and natural isn't just blurred but beautifully intertwined.

The Art of Urban Greenery

In Amsterdam, I transformed. From an executive chef, I became an urban bio-artist. Collaborating with fellow artist Theo Rekelhof and Mamoun Nukumanu, I embarked on projects that speak to both the heart and the soul. The “Floating” Willow Dome, The Duck Dome, The Willow Tunnel – each project a testament to the city’s and my own commitment to sustainability.

My work isn't just about creating green spaces; it's about fostering a connection between people and the environment. It's about making our urban spaces not just livable, but lovable – rich with nature's touch.

The Future Is Green

As "That Weird Plant Guy," I continue to push boundaries, turning ordinary urban corners into extraordinary green havens. My mission? To inspire, to educate, and to transform. To show that even in the densest concrete jungle, there's room for a green, thriving ecosystem.

Join me on this journey of urban rejuvenation, where every plant planted, every green space created, is a step towards a more sustainable, more connected world.

Bio: Bio
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